[ Poetry ]

Fisheye under the ceiling you theorize what? subatomic vibrations clad to your knees Billy with two carrots in his mouth dipping into the water, dipping back from the …

The house I grew up in was red, and then one day, it was not. You painted it a yellowy shade of cream, and said it looked better, newer, …

after Gram & Emmylou I saw my devil he had a beer gut and an erection. I saw my angel she had a beer gut and a harp.

city love poem he sees me running for the train, breath bursting, eyes manic, the glow of words saying south ferry ten minutes away. we make eye …

Venting Frustration on the Baseball Field When Roger Clemens, perhaps snapping in some steroidal spasm, Smoldering in combativeness, as if lathered in some tribal custom, Threw the barrel of …

the blue crab my father wasn’t interested in tennis or painting or gardening the only hobbies that interested him were ones that could make you money my father …

Lineal for the children & mothers in gaza The babies the babies covered in young as blood roses unopened clamor for their mothers ,a breast in their clutch– …

Luigi Lefty’s barkeep where I met him on the nude beach Zipolite, Oaxaca Two thousand fourteen Big Italian went chest first no shirt and drank from the bottle ran drugs …

Hey Lefty Lefty’s eyes went queasy then wet as good pussy This is Mom said the voice on the phone Tears sprang from Lefty’s face Tarantino leer quavered …

lilac draped courtyard, melancholy compost, spousal tongue erects blockades— the I (eye) tires of the restrictive, familiar imagery— swampy masses, yellow nerves seeking, rebinding our mutual human/animal connection— …

For you Sam Sam calls it this human experiment I ripped off the phrase It features in the opening story of my book Which I sent to Sam Who read …

i hunger for the moment of entry for expansion yielding all pretense all carefully constructed indifference to a muted question of permission may? i?

subjugation wait, i can explain -- i used to be feral, chewing raw meat with sugary teeth, sucking on a carcass during sleepless nights, trying to fend off boars and …

Sunny And now the sun appears – an arrogant schoolboy staring through my window – What am I doing? Just looking.

I lived in a town where starving girls weaved Paper chains from heartstrings and gum wrappers, Staving off reality with cheap spirits coaxed from older lovers I lived …

Peeling oranges with our eyes closed, on a rooftop lidded with stars Moon scrapes away a crescent of the sky and we cut away pounds of Our flesh …

Ketamine kisses douse a blazing girl with the sick tang of gasoline, heartthrob, dementia She droops, star splayed and eager in her drowsiness, sped by the rhyme …

Other Faces shift in my dreams from us to them and back. They are with me, free in that place: my people, cast out as Other from this …

It Will Come Back we say (fingers crossed, knock on wood, salt over shoulder) because it always has, because we don’t know what we’ll do if it doesn’t. Spring, …

Meal Time Each morning, I boil the ocean to make my tea. I season my eggs with just sea and I eat it with a side of …

Cosmic Joke I’m dying. screamed out into windowless night before being coaxed back to a confused bed.