October 17, 2024
Luigi’s penthouse

Luigi Lefty’s barkeep where I met him on the nude beach Zipolite, Oaxaca Two thousand fourteen Big Italian went chest first no shirt and drank from the bottle ran drugs from a friend’s bar the Colivri Hummingvird I never told you Lefty told me one day I was Luigi’s gardener. I squinted out across Lefty’s garden It was a backyard full of chest-high weeds soiled cast-off diapers smoking tires unraveled barbwire fencing rotten posts fire ant hills the size of toyotas I said Wow did it look like THIS garden (This is a lot I had told Lefty not a garden many moons before but he’d looked at me like I was a bug) Lefty said Luigi told me he had a pool Just needed to clean up the garden Said he would hire me to help but by the time we got there it was fucking jungle We had to hack through it with machetes We, wheezed Lefty No, me while Luigi sat in his thongs on the balcony and directed the gardener. Turns out said Lefty wasn’t even his house.