September 24, 2024
Another Hiding Place

lilac draped courtyard, melancholy compost, spousal tongue erects blockades— the I (eye) tires of the restrictive, familiar imagery— swampy masses, yellow nerves seeking, rebinding our mutual human/animal connection— arms of fog, thorns of glass— i (eye) am stuck like the black, white lionhead rabbit— head, neck caught in the broken fence— commandeering interior, exterior hutches— our mutual home, escape— human/animal branches— sentiments— fall trees, leaves uprooted where long-winded, emotive gales drip! drip! drip! red, slick with precision— sometimes the heart is a seething, shaking baby rattler ready to strike from beneath the bunched-up underbrush of the thorny gut— sometimes the heart is a fist-sized mouse scurrying, backtracking to avoid the menace of the brushy confrontation— oftentimes the heart is empty— another hiding place.