August 4, 2024
an act of kindness

i hunger for the moment of entry for expansion yielding all pretense all carefully constructed indifference to a muted question of permission may? i? desire? it is your detachment i eat up like candy sucking on your sour drops until the insides of my cheeks are dry and hurting i admire the way he keeps his clothes on when we fuck and how his uninvolved face studies my docile limbs while i shiver in something like ecstasy you remain distant i reveal all he reveals nothing his voice drifts through my mind clouding my judgment or is it my judgment that is clouding your voice? i know very well by now that all shame is irrelevant and this is why i must stop lying and why i must ask again: may? i? die? pressed against his chest i listen to your heartbeat a closeness surreal and unavoidable a curtain parted by bones and i’ll never confess to anyone how much it means to me to be questioned by you to be allowed to go and i’ll never admit to his uncompromising will as a silence and emptiness i am slowly growing addicted to or to how much i want to drown in his touch how much i need to dissolve in a liquid of nothingness in the violence of love unrequited