March 6, 2025 Poetry



under the ceiling you theorize what?
subatomic vibrations clad to your knees
Billy with two carrots in his mouth
dipping into the water, dipping back from the water 
static discharge exits his mouth
the carrots become marinated
the lake, VHS tapes on the rim
cargo ships slow
sun on the lake like thick slop
makes Billy nauseous
the fisheye view of his white shoulders in the water 
carrots interacted with by fish
naked wire on his knees
under the roof
what’s this about?
Billy a shameful dirtbag
huddling under a toll bridge, scraps of metal
collision down here, underpass mouth to mouth
fisheye lens of naked wire
the telephone cable is grey
Billy has a good sounding answer message
in his passport he looks nothing like he does now
at the trash dump, managerial clothes
Billy is nauseous in the sun
£39 sun cream
wedding pictures, him and his wife sunburned
carrots in his jaw
trembling orange below the current vortex
if it ripples enough, meaning pools out
boat races, licking fingers
let me tell you there’s plenty of slop
fisheye view of canal boat going by Billy
dazzled in sun, under the water 
ran over by canal boat
dead, 4:30 pm Friday 
he knew it would happen
hard bpm when it happened
stop showing thyself
blood in the water 
wavering life to shame
the toll man saw it in his hands
thumbtacks in his knees, under the roof
some slop, Dr Dr refresh me my dose
of subatomic slop and split my atoms
it’s winter, you’re dead on the lake
carrots rotted and covered in blood
pasteurised, fixed by the water
what’s this all about?
erm, death
oh right
list of things to auction from dead Billy:
1. Jeep
3.  dirty movie theatre tickets
4. boating equipment 
Billy, God rest his soul, didn’t wash his chickens
during food prep
they looked like rusted mercury
they looked like they were through fisheye lens
he liked to kill a chicken though
that explains the knife in his car
the sun was nauseous
the blood is everywhere
washes onto the little dunes off the lake
the toll man he says about it 20 years later
was a wrong un 
you know people have a million reasons
to justify their loneliness
that’s what it was
all it was
now if you don’t mind I’m going down the market
pick up some handbags
they’re cheap down there
every day they’ve got new ones
I try not to buy them, you know?
I ran a bag company and well, got 0 orders
Merseyside doesn’t buy into the hype, Billy
it’s a right mess 
a right proper mess
really it’s quite pathetic 
carrots in a boy’s mouth 
at the bottom of a wishing well