[ Short Stories ]

“McDonalds”She made a meal out of his kids, while the cum burned up in her belly.“Earnest Drinks the Kool-Aid”JoJo …
Commencement Day
Tourmaline Tower rises 2,000 feet in the air, 160 floors of ombre pink and green, a sunset plunging …
Guilty Pleasure in Fallen Friends
We called him Old School because he stood still against the movement of time.He stole things – CDs, …
The Thread
Sometime after midnight, the thread unraveled. From where?
Belgium Fog
I didn’t realize I had been lonely for so long until I stepped out of the Brussels Airport …
Josef performed as a spry 79-year-old social drinker. The town of Chico considered him a local hero because …
Gum Grey Tarmac
David watched as the company-issue tongs hovered over the landscape of refuse bulging from the top of his wheelie …
A Hidden Gift
I needed an anniversary gift for my husband—well, technically he wasn’t my husband. At that point, we had …
Possum Parade
“No more Richard Scarry memes. Let’s manifest this shit,” so spoke Liz Lilly, influencer-cum-mayor, in her inaugural speech …
Our Stepdad
(translated from the Polish by Dawid Mobolaji) I was telling you about Mama’s boyfriends – about their smell, …
Now, What Do You Want?
The sophisticated lady sees the small helpless child contained in a steel cylinder. The child’s anxious upturned face is …
Team Player
Before the game I asked my Girl to stop cheering for Doofus Danny, the roided out linebacker all the …
Seventy-Five Percent
She just stopped. She does this. “This is stupid.
Do I Dare to Eat a Peach?: An excerpt from the novel Petra
Janice learned early in her journalism career–when she still had a career, or access to that grand ladder of …
Leonard and I had laughed hard first, then with trepidation, when Caroline, at five years old and in …
Last Night
Now, with your temporary elopement drawing to an end, every minute spent together was, for both of you, “worth …
Ye Brazen Beasts
1793The hickories and black gums done been naked a piece, and Christmas come and went two months past. …
Frank and Mattie
Just below the fine white linen tablecloth, on his lap where only she could see it, he held …
Terms and Conditions
Must be sixteen or older and show valid identificationI don’t personally have a problem with younger boys, but rules …
If I’ve learned one thing in my long slog through this vale of tears, it’s that any nincompoop …
Baby Teeth
Old Skeezer died many years back, before my time even. He was the town miser who lived at …
At Loggerheads
Kim is curled up in her favourite wingback chair, wrapped in the crocheted blanket her mother made for her …
Tube Light
Daylight, bright but not too bright, like it is on a cloudy day, a soft white with bluish …
On the drive home, NPR is talking about the earthquake in Turkey. It’s been all over the news for …
You, Me, Magnets, and Methamphetamine
Anytime he sees a magnet, he runs his finger over its surface and glances at me. A boy …