Possum Parade
“No more Richard Scarry memes. Let’s manifest this shit,” so spoke Liz Lilly, influencer-cum-mayor, in her inaugural speech …
Short Story
Luigi Lefty’s barkeep where I met him on the nude beach Zipolite, Oaxaca Two thousand fourteen Big Italian went chest first no shirt and drank from the bottle ran drugs …
Hey Lefty Lefty’s eyes went queasy then wet as good pussy This is Mom said the voice on the phone Tears sprang from Lefty’s face Tarantino leer quavered …
The children found it by the brackish crick, washed up where fiddler-crabs burrowed on the mudflats. It looked …
Flash Fiction

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The Silk Road
i.Silks are stacked like a physical rainbow, designs like Sanskrit on water, cool luminosity begging for a caress between thumb and finger. The Antico Setificio Fiorentino is hidden …
I can hear Ted Koppel’s voice coming from somewhere, reporting on the violence that I’m seeing with my …
Reading through a Brutal Winter
At the center of Amos Oz’s 1973 novel, Touch the Water, Touch the Wind, is a church fronted …
Another Hiding Place
lilac draped courtyard, melancholy compost, spousal tongue erects blockades— the I (eye) tires of the restrictive, familiar imagery— swampy masses, yellow nerves seeking, rebinding our mutual human/animal connection— …
Our Stepdad
(translated from the Polish by Dawid Mobolaji) I was telling you about Mama’s boyfriends – about their smell, …
Short Story
Now, What Do You Want?
The sophisticated lady sees the small helpless child contained in a steel cylinder. The child’s anxious upturned face is …
Short Story
Team Player
Before the game I asked my Girl to stop cheering for Doofus Danny, the roided out linebacker all the …
Short Story
Seventy-Five Percent
She just stopped. She does this. “This is stupid.
Short Story
the parable of the sad window man begins with work
Man hurtles himself headfirst at his 15th-floor window, all the unwavering self-hate Man can muster.Window doesn’t shatter, doesn’t shudder, doesn’t waver.Window is no Hollywood pussy break-away glass window.Man is no …
Flash Fiction
Surprise Endings
It was all a dream.I’m actually a cat.You have a split personality that’s way cooler and more assertive than you and gets all the ladies.The doctor was the injured boy’s …
Flash Fiction
For you Sam, Favorite books
For you Sam Sam calls it this human experiment I ripped off the phrase It features in the opening story of my book Which I sent to Sam Who read …
That Time Robin Williams Died and I Saw My Mother On A Night Out In Ibiza
I don’t expect to run into my mother on the Ibiza strip surrounded by drunks and neon lights and …
Flash Fiction
an act of kindness
i hunger for the moment of entry for expansion yielding all pretense all carefully constructed indifference to a muted question of permission may? i?
Do I Dare to Eat a Peach?: An excerpt from the novel Petra
Janice learned early in her journalism career–when she still had a career, or access to that grand ladder of …
Short Story
subjugation, not safe
subjugation wait, i can explain -- i used to be feral, chewing raw meat with sugary teeth, sucking on a carcass during sleepless nights, trying to fend off boars and …
Leonard and I had laughed hard first, then with trepidation, when Caroline, at five years old and in …
Short Story
The Hibernating Homunculus
My mind is blurry when I write. What is writing, where does it go, I do not know.
Sunny, Confused, Ice Cream
Sunny And now the sun appears – an arrogant schoolboy staring through my window – What am I doing? Just looking.
Last Night
Now, with your temporary elopement drawing to an end, every minute spent together was, for both of you, “worth …
Short Story
Nostalgia, Overland
Nostalgia Tidal rapids. The current was too strong.
Ye Brazen Beasts
1793The hickories and black gums done been naked a piece, and Christmas come and went two months past. …
Short Story
The Father Who Tried his Hardest
There once was a father who tried his hardest to achieve his goal of teaching his son to …
Flash Fiction
Frank and Mattie
Just below the fine white linen tablecloth, on his lap where only she could see it, he held …
Short Story
Does the revolution start in our rooms?
When I was 14, I was first made aware of what happened to the women who were protesting …
Walking the Gulf Stream
I like to walk fast and imagine minutes falling away on the other side of whatever journey is unfolding. …
Flash Fiction