Benjamin Drevlow

Flash Fictions

Surprise Endings
It was all a dream.I’m actually a cat.You have a split personality that’s way cooler and more assertive than you and gets all the ladies.The doctor was the injured boy’s mother (because guess what? the patriarchy is real and women can be doctors, too).It turns out they were aliens all …
the parable of the sad window man begins with work
Man hurtles himself headfirst at his 15th-floor window, all the unwavering self-hate Man can muster.Window doesn’t shatter, doesn’t shudder, doesn’t waver.Window is no Hollywood pussy break-away glass window.Man is no actor, is no stuntman.Window leaves man un-lacerated, un-bloodied, un-suicided.Window leaves man only bruised forehead, bruised ego.A stunning existential headache as …