Now, What Do You Want?
The sophisticated lady sees the small helpless child contained in a steel cylinder. The child’s anxious upturned face is …
Short Story
Before the game I asked my Girl to stop cheering for Doofus Danny, the roided out linebacker all the …
Short Story
She just stopped. She does this. “This is stupid.
Short Story
Man hurtles himself headfirst at his 15th-floor window, all the unwavering self-hate Man can muster.Window doesn’t shatter, doesn’t shudder, doesn’t waver.Window is no Hollywood pussy break-away glass window.Man is no …
Flash Fiction

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Rock Bottom
I am at the bottom of this bottle but love is nowhere to be found. The rocks spiral in the glass, illuminated by morning sun shade on me fool me …
Magic Slippers
He climbed the steps of a multicolored storybook Victorian house and shuddered. David Benson was worried about how …
Short Story
Masks & Figures
So on the eleventh or twelfth day finally get out to the street action carrying a small burst of …
So Slowly Goes the Day
Which of the torchless roads calls his name? The Emperor's head of trivia announces the death of choice.
Short Story
Love’s Nightmare
I didn’t know it was you until it wasn’t. I didn’t know pain until you left me, face down, wallowing in a deep ocean of my tears You …
To The Survivor of a Tattered Mind
The keeper of my heart and fallen dreams; the tormentor of my shattered soul I need you to stop erecting mansions of doubt in my mind ... to …
Portion Control
I must ration my (affections for you so I do not gorge myself on heartbreak (all in one sitting. I must spoon feed myself morsels of time, so …
The Preacher Before His Time
He thought he knew these people. Through the lens of his cracked shield needing a wash to better shine …
Short Story
How to Love a Rotting Thing
BEFOREI was the one they called to the morgue to identify Davis. My phone rang just as I was stepping out of lecture hall.
Short Story
Friends of John, Songs I didn’t fuck to
Friends of John Can’t clear the arterial detritus, nor shake the dull ache in the pickled kidneys. They float by my bedside, in piss-golden stasis.
Town Centers aren’t Shopping Malls
“It’s a doctor’s appointment,” I speak loudly to make sure my colleague hears me on the speaker because traffic’s …
Short Story
Rhubarb, Rhubarb
Allan and me sit on the stoop like we always do. Near the corner of West 4th Street.
Short Story
Mountain Girl Poems
Mountain Mother I learned to map the cardinal directions With the Mountain as my East, The same dirt that crowns her noble brow Scatters at my feet. I grew up …
The Small Horseshoe Bay
She cried as they made their way down to the small horsehoe bay, on the stony path through the …
Short Story
On Filling Cups
Last spring, I decided to make the inane decision to write a love letter every day to my ex. …
Flash Fiction
Troubleshooting An Unresponsive House-Human
These overpriced, one-use icky organic wares stubbornly resisted my attempts to elicit a response. I prodded and jabbed at …
Short Story
Limerence like wine, pouring over me in shallows of sparkling ecstasy, draining my veins of their blood until they …
Flash Fiction
Where She Went When She Was Gone
There was a woman who came sometimes to the back door of my club. She would knock four times …
Short Story
By Lamplight
In my old age before my old age I reach for a glass of water, a book on the nightstand. The Inferno is popular.
On Reincarnation
Thoughts accumulate, and memories such as encode oppositions to oneself, the way which, when thoroughly lost in the forest, …
3 Poems
------------------------------------------- Elon Musk’s Money ------------------------------------------- What’s the point of having all those billions if you’re not willing to invest most of it to develop a kind of liquidated virtual reality …
Urban Odyssey
The bagel rolled out of my sweatshirt pocket and spun to a stop in the bus lane. That was …
Short Story
do you ever feel like a half a grapefruit at breakfast A sharp metal spoon keeps asking digging and scraping the sides of you and everything You’ve made and the …
an uneven stone word round in & out but still hard to bite on. (scared it slips out my mouth) I miss your hands the leather the grease the ink …