March 9, 2024 Poetry

3 Poems

3 Poems Artwork by DALL·E
Elon Musk’s Money
What’s the point of having all those billions
if you’re not willing to invest most of it
to develop a kind of liquidated virtual reality
that can be added to all the morphine drips
of born-again Christians—who’ve happily used
archaic biblical passages to bolster the unbelievable
interpretations of sex and race and salvation—
so that the last thing they see before they die
is Jesus, who of course is black, and then after
processing the shock and pain of this revelation,
another unwelcome vision proving God’s a woman,
and finally, as they gasp through their last horrors,
a movie-version Moses who looks almost exactly
like Charlton Heston appears out of nowhere
to inform them, as he turns off the lights forever,
there never has been any heaven awaiting them.

Does It Mean I’m Woke
if I get pulled over, assuming it’s speeding but who knows, especially at night, and even though no as a matter of fact I have not had anything to drink sir, I do the nine and three with my hands because who wants to be in the right but still become a statistic, and intentional the only killing that occurs during this stop is committed by kindness, and even when the officer comes back, bad news in his hand, it’s not necessarily that you were going too fast but it’s a slow month and we all have quotas to keep (he doesn’t say), 67 in a 55 seriously (I don’t say), and here’s all the info in case you want to contest in court etc., and even after he walks away, smiling—nothing if not professional—I find myself thanking him for what exactly?

Economies of Scale
I’m a survivor, which means I’ve spent time in hospitals, and it also means I’ve left them when certain loved ones haven’t, which means I know hospitals and have learned to hate and appreciate them in ways those who only fear them can’t fathom. I’ve studied hospitals the way inmates count the spots on their jail cell ceilings, crammed as they are into tiny spaces and forced to contemplate all the things they could or should have done differently. Like veterans of other conflicts involving life and death, it’s clear someone has seen certain things the less they wish to discuss them. Having spent time in hospitals helps you know what to look for (nurses) and what to never expect (doctors). And then there are the things you can’t avoid, like the impossible smell of sterilizing agents and bodily fluids battling to eternal stalemate, or the sudden solidarity that accompanies the sight of anyone at any age in slippers, doing laps in silent hallways. Or watching steel trash bins wheeled from room to room, idly calculating the various types of waste being transported. And it seems only poets or economists may invariably find themselves calculating the ratios, wondering how so much can accumulate in one hour, all this pain purposefully packed into tightly sealed bags. How it’s just one floor of one hospital on one city block in a town full of houses and offices and gas stations and restaurants. Then multiplying that mass per zip code and therefore entire states, and therefore countries, and therefore continents, and then wondering where all these things go (Into space? Under the ocean? Increasingly, inside our bodies, plastics and poison recycled like our sins). And then one might get truly carried away pondering the implications of our tiny planet, a pinprick within an ever-expanding cosmos, itself part of some eternal Everything, and that’s not even bringing angels and gods and celestial real estate into the equation. These economies of scale beg many unanswerable questions but, for survivors (particularly during repeat performances), certain conclusions. First: only those fortunate enough to have loved ones suffer this way, and it’s the curious reward of lives spent as well as we’re able: bearing witness as we work with the raw materials we’ve been provided. Second: the only thing, aside from teachers, saving us from utter attenuation is our nurses, who provide a modicum of dignity, helping us avoid messes we’d otherwise make; who remind us that even the dirtiest work we’re obliged to do is always mitigated by someone doing worse, how for every good death there are adult diapers changed and dispensed with, indignities dealt with behind closed doors, and when visiting hours end there are gentle armies patrolling the dark and mostly dormant wards, doling out gifts most of us can afford to ignore.